
Demo Account - The demo account has some limited functionality as not all features and settings are enabled. At the end of each day all data associated with the demo account will be reset. So feel free to test everything out. While you may be able to test some features, the demo account won't send any automated texts, emails, or phone calls. When you're ready to get started with your own subscription and use the full functionality of ReminderDental, just click the sign up button above.

Is your dashboard feeling a little empty? It's because no messages have been sent. You probably need to sync your connector.
  • First make sure you've downloaded the connector from our Downloads page for your appropriate practice management system.
  • Second make sure your downloaded connector is configured properly. Be sure to add Your Practice Token and practice management info correctly.
  • Third make sure it's syncing from your system to ours. Then refresh this page and you should be all set!
  • If none of that has worked, or you need some support, just Create a Support Ticket and we'll get with you as soon as possible.

Action Items

Message Activity



  • Demo User You are the only user associated with this office.